November 2, 2018
Categories: Personal Injury, Uncategorized
Legal Assistance for the Victims of Motorcycle Crashes in Florida
Florida’s generally good weather and its long stretches of straight pavement make the state popular for motorcyclists, but greater ridership has come at a price. In 2015, Florida experienced the highest number of motorcycle fatalities of any state in the nation. In addition to the 606 deaths that year, more than 9,000 other bikers suffered significant injuries in the state. The victims of such accidents and their families may be eligible for financial compensation, but they could benefit from the help of a Tampa personal injury attorney to ensure that damages are received and are sufficient. This type of assistance can be obtained from the law firm of Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore. Our Tampa accident attorneys have years of experience handling this type of litigation.
The Key to Riding Safely
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has attributed the increase in fatalities to the repeal in 2000 of Florida’s motorcycle helmet requirement. According to a study conducted by the American Automobile Association, fewer than half of the motorcyclists who ride in Florida wear a helmet. There are some common-sense steps bikers can take on their own to protect themselves when riding, including:
•Wear protective clothing, in addition to a helmet and proper eyewear
•In order to be visible to others, wear bright clothing and make sure
the motorcycle has proper lighting
•Stay outside the “blind” spots of automobile and truck drivers
•Avoid riding between lanes
Seeking Compensation After an Accident
Even the safest riders may not be able to avoid accidents that are caused by inattentive, reckless, or intoxicated drivers, or by hazards that are beyond their control. Those who suffer injuries or who lose family members in crashes will need the services of a motorcycle accident lawyer in Tampa. They can find this help at the law firm of Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore.
Do not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation.