August 23, 2016

Famous Whistleblowers: Whistleblower Against Quest Diagnostics

Categories: Whistleblowers

The history of whistle blowing in the United States is fraught with corporate intrigue and suspicious behavior on behalf of large companies and “higher-ups” within those companies. It can be very difficult for longtime employees to come out as whistleblowers — they fear that they will be fired and ostracized from the community in which they have spent their entire lives. The Florida whistleblower claims lawyers at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore work diligently to ensure that whistleblowers are protected under the relevant federal statutes and shielded from professional and legal consequences.

The Quest Diagnostics whistleblower case is one of the most famous such cases in recent memory. In 2004, Quest Diagnostics and its subsidiary company, Nichols Institute Diagnostics, were sued for Medicare fraud by a medical supplies purchaser and his team of lawyers. This former business partner, biochemist Thomas Cantor, accused Quest Diagnostics of ignoring the fact that its Advantage Intact PTH Assay medical testing device was producing inaccurate readings. This inaccuracy resulted in thousands of improper diagnoses and excessive Medicare billing by the company and its subsidiary.

The courts took over five years to reach a proper verdict, but in the end, Quest Diagnostics was forced to pay major penalties to several different actors. The company had to pay over $60 million to the federal government to settle the criminal case; this was followed by payments of over $250 million to the government as the result of the civil claims brought against Quest, and other payments to state Medicare funds totaling several million dollars.

As the whistleblower who started it all, Cantor received $45 million personally, largely thanks to a government reward-sharing initiative meant to encourage more whistleblowers to come forward. He utilized the vast majority of his winnings to fund medical research on HIV and hepatitis, among other diseases resistant to antibiotics.

Although the federal government has made it easier for whistleblowers to step up and speak out, all winning participants still need assurance and protection from an experienced law firm. Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore is among the state’s most experienced and trusted whistleblower claims attorneys. Our Tampa firm has had the pleasure and privilege of representing for decades brave people who take courageous actions. Call today to set up an appointment and discuss how Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore can help you.



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