Florida Personal Injury – What are Tort Claims?

Contact the Tampa Personal Injury attorneys TODAY! We can help.Tort Claims, personal injury

Have you ever been hurt by someone who wasn’t being careful or wasn’t paying attention? Or maybe you’ve been hurt by someone acting in a completely unsafe way. If you or your children are hurt in this way, you have the right to file a tort claim, with the help of a Florida personal injury attorney, whether the action causing the damage was intended or not.

So if you are walking down the side of the road and someone shoots a gun off into the air and the bullet hits you, you can file a tort claim against the shooter. That’s because, even if that person didn’t intend to hurt you, they fired a gun in a way that was foreseeable someone could be hurt. They were negligent about their actions. A Florida personal injury attorney would be able to help you with this case.

This type of case would be considered a civil trial. That means that the defendant does not go to jail (though in cases like firing a gun at someone, there could also be a criminal trial) but may be ordered to pay you financial damages. That money is used to pay you back for medical bills, lost wages, and possibly pain and suffering if you suffered problems as a result of what the defendant did. Your  Florida personal injury attorney will help you compile all the information about your injury (your injuries may be mental or physical) and will help determine the appropriate amount of money damages that you will seek to recover.

If you have been injured by someone else’s carelessness contact Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore right away. They will give you a free consultation as well as legal advice. The sooner you contact an experienced attorney, the sooner they can help you put your life back in order.