Spring Break Injuries: Not Only For Spring Breakers

spring break injuries
spring break injuries

When it comes time for college students to enjoy spring break, partying is foremost on their minds. Unfortunately, while they are having fun drinking and otherwise enjoying themselves on the beach, at a bar, or in a hotel, local residents in the area are often victims of injuries at the hands of rowdy students. If you are a local resident of a spring break area who has been injured by partying students, contact the Florida spring break accident attorneys at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore for assistance in gaining the compensation you deserve for your injuries. 

Why Do Injuries Occur? 

In most situations, local residents are injured by spring break students who are intoxicated. Thus, when they leave a bar or hotel, they may be riding a scooter down a sidewalk, chasing their friends, or perhaps even turning belligerent toward unsuspecting residents. When this happens, always make sure you contact Tampa accident attorneys as soon as possible to discuss filing a personal injury lawsuit. 

Documenting the Incident 

If you find yourself injured due to the carelessness of a spring break student, make sure you document as much of the incident as possible. If you have a smartphone with you, get it out and make a video recording of any belligerent behavior directed at you, the area where the incident occurred, and any injuries you may have sustained. Along with this, try to speak to anyone who witnessed the incident and your injuries, making sure you get their contact information in case you or your Tampa personal injury attorneys need to speak to them at a later date. 

If you have been injured due to the negligence of a spring breaker, contact the law firm of Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore to schedule a consultation. Our experienced attorneys will fight hard to help you receive the financial compensation, including for medical bills and lost wages, that you deserve.

spring break auto accident
spring break auto accident

According to the Center for Disease Control, deaths from traffic accidents in spring break destinations increase ten percent for those under age 25. In addition, drunken-driving fatalities increase 23% during spring break. With additional statistics showing the average male on spring break consumes eighteen alcoholic drinks per day and the average female ten drinks per day, it is no wonder Florida spring break auto fatalities spike. If you have been injured, or perhaps had a loved one killed in one of these accidents, contact the Florida spring break accident attorneys at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore for assistance in filing a personal injury lawsuit. [NOTE: spell out numerals less than twenty]

Why Do These Accidents Occur? 

According to the CDC, Florida spring break auto fatalities spike for a number of reasons, including: 

–Increase in number of drunk drivers on the road; 
–Drivers unfamiliar with local area streets; and 
–Influx of people into the area.

According to the Transportation Safety Administration, 65-70 million individuals travel to spring break destinations each year. As a result, there are far more people in an area than usual. Along with this, many drivers are unfamiliar with the local area, which results in numerous accidents. And of course, with so much partying happening well into the night at hotels, bars, and other places, many more drunk drivers are on the road, leading to a spike in injuries and deaths. 

Gaining Compensation 

If you have been injured or had a loved one killed in a Florida spring break auto accident, contact an auto accident lawyer in Tampa as soon as possible. Since these accidents are typically due to the negligence and carelessness of others, you and your family may be entitled to full and fair compensation, to include medical bills, lost wages, and perhaps recovery for pain and suffering. No one should suffer needlessly while a spring breaker who partied too hard walks away unscathed. We encourage you to contact a Tampa personal injury attorney at Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore to discuss getting the justice you and your family deserve.